
Global Cultural Competence for Business Professionals

In an increasingly globalized business environment, the ability to understand, communicate, manage, and work effectively with colleagues, customers, suppliers, team members, and partners from different cultures is a new bedrock skillset.

Managing A Culturally Diverse Workforce 

In this workshop, Craig Storti trains managers and supervisors how to manage a multicultural workforce for maximum efficiency and productivity. The workshop will help managers understand what to expect from—and how they are seen by—employees from culturally diverse backgrounds.

Effective Global Teams

The work of international/global organizations is increasingly being carried out by culturally diverse teams of individuals from—and often located in—a number of different countries.

India and the West: Improving Understanding and Productivity in Offshore Partnerships

Some of the most common—and costly—problems of global outsourcing are caused by cultural differences between North American and European customers and offshore Indian service providers.

Understanding and Working with… (country- and region-specific workshops)

In this program Craig Storti helps participants understand and work more effectively with people from key cultural blocs—Asia/Pacific, Latin America (Hispanics), the Middle East and Indian subcontinent, and northern Europe—and/or individual countries.

Repatriation: The Art of Coming Home

Expatriates returning from an international assignment face an even greater adjustment to their "home" country than the one they experienced when they went abroad.

Living and Working Abroad

This workshop prepares an outbound employee, spouse, and children to live and work effectively on an overseas assignment.