The Art of Coming Home
2nd Edition (2022)
Most people who live overseas find repatriation—coming home after their foreign assignment—more difficult than going abroad in the first place. The Art of Coming Home explains why—identifying the main challenges and how to get beyond them. The book describes personal and work-related issues for returning employees, as well as key concerns and frustrations for returning spouses and children. It also features separate sections on special readjustment issues for five unique populations: exchange students, international volunteers, military personnel and their families, missionaries and their children, and Third Culture Kids.
This new edition includes a complete do-it-yourself repatriation workshop to help returnees design their personal reentry plan.
“A masterful, credible overview of the reentry process. Corporations, government bureaus, the military, and missionary groups would be wise to purchase a copy of Craig’s book for each expatriate family.”
— Clyde Austin, Professor,
Abilene Christian University
“A valuable resource for expatriates returning home, the families returning with them, their employers, and family and friends who want to understand and support their transition.”
— Donna Stringer, president,
Executive Diversity Services
“Given that returning home is regarded by many as the most difficult adjustment phase, this book could be considered essential reading for all expats during their posting abroad.”
— Leoni Elphinstone,
Resident Abroad